October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time when communities unite to raise awareness of bullying prevention through events, activities, outreach, and education. The message of the month is: “The End of Bullying Begins with Me.” Unity Day is this Wednesday, October 22nd, where you can wear the color orange in support of ending bullying. The fight to end bullying begins at home and in our communities and extends from there. Below are six ways to talk to your child about bullying.
HELP YOUR CHILD TO UNDERSTAND WHAT BULLYING IS. Make sure your child recognizes the signs and knows how to get help when needed. Make it clear that bullying is unacceptable.
TALK TO YOUR KIDS. Know your kids’ friends and their parents; ask questions about who they eat lunch with and socialize with at school.
BUDDY SYSTEM. Kids in groups are less likely to be picked on. Encourage the buddy system on school buses, in the lunchroom and at lockers.
ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILDREN TO FIND WHAT THEY LOVE TO DO AND DO IT. Children should have an outlet in which to express themselves — for some it’s sports, for others it’s more creative, such as theater, choir, band, or writing. Whatever it is, make sure your child finds out what he or she loves and then does it. Getting involved is great for the brain and social development, as it’s a wonderful way for your child to make new friends with similar interests.
KINDNESS AND RESPECT. Teach your child the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect. You are the biggest model for that behavior – kids look to parents to see how they handle conflict and stress.
TEACH YOUR CHILD HOW TO STAND UP TO A BULLY. Bullies respond to dramatic reactions. Teach your child how to use humor and to say, “stop” directly and confidently, as well as how to walk away when necessary.
SEEK HELP AND REPORT INCIDENTS. Teach your child how to seek the help of an adult when necessary and to report bullying when it happens.
Bullying prevention begins with communication, and communication begins at home with you.
DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit dashawellness.com.