Release is the theme of the month at DASHA®, which has us thinking a lot about letting go. (The popularity of Disney’s movie and song of the same title, “Let it Go,” may have also inspired us.) We all have emotions we hold onto that are preventing us from moving forward or being the healthiest version possible of ourselves.
In a 2013 article by Toni Rodriguez in the Scientific American titled “Negative Emotions are Key to Well-being,” it was written, “Suppressing thoughts and feelings can even be harmful. In a 2012 study psychotherapist Eric L. Garland of Florida State University and his associates measured a stress response based on heart rate in 58 adults in treatment for alcohol dependence while exposing them to alcohol-related cues. Subjects also completed a measure of their tendency to suppress thoughts. The researchers found that those who restrained their thinking more often had stronger stress responses to the cues than did those who suppressed their thoughts less frequently.”
Holding tight onto negative thoughts and feelings can impact the state of your physical health. Learning how to deal with them is important. So how? Everyone has a different journey on how to release those emotions that don’t feel so good, whether they are from decades ago or moments ago. Consider these steps:
Consult with a professional. Consider seeking out a therapist who can help you work through your feelings. We all need help sometimes. Don’t be afraid to ask for it – it’s actually a sign of strength. An objective, licensed professional can be key in helping you to sort through your feelings. Ryan Howes, PhD said, “People go to therapy to cope with disorders, relationships, stress, grief, to figure out who they are and learn to live life to the fullest.”
Fitness and fresh air. Never underestimate the power of exercise and fresh air. Both of these allow you to take your attention off your problems and feelings, enlarge your perspective to include your physical body and the world around you and get your blood flowing, thereby increasing oxygen to your brain!
Don’t beat yourself up. Sometimes letting go is something you have to train yourself to do again and again, and that’s okay. It’s not always easy. Think of the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
So take things one day and one moment at a time, working on changing what is in control – you, your thinking, your perspective, your attitude. Investing in your mental health is the same and just as important as investing in your physical health. The sooner you learn how you need to navigate obstacles, challenges and negative feelings, the sooner you are on track to leading a longer and healthier life.
DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit