DASHA® is kicking off the week with a post all about my cupping experience. Stay tuned for more posts highlighting different services at health centers near you!
Summer is wrapping up, kids are returning from sleep away camp, and us moms are freaking the “F out.” My friends and clients have been asking me, “What type of treatments and services can I get done before summer is over?!” I myself just returned from a super long, international vacation to Greece, putting my entire body out of whack. Yes, I am super active and kept up my routine while abroad (read about it here ) but that doesn’t mean I don’t get pains just like everyone else!! I desperately needed a chill session from all of the activities (& of course the cocktails). Not to mention the 130 stairs I climbed in Santorini everyday just to get to my hotel room. AND I was tossing and turning at night from jet lag as soon as I returned to the States. When I returned from my trip, I was luckily able to pop downstairs to DASHA® to get just the service I needed: CUPPING!
So, what is cupping??
According to WebMD , cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. This suction increases the flow of blood to the area for increased circulation. The area darkens as a result of blood vessels expanding, which releases muscle tension and reduces inflammation.
Cupping targets fascia, or the connective tissue that encloses the muscle fibers. It works to decompress the fascia, which in a healthy state is easily bendable and flexible. When the fascia is overworked, it tightens, creating a stiffening feeling in our muscles. So, cupping brings the muscle out, almost like a reverse massage!
Contrary to popular belief, cupping is NOT just for athletes (hey, Michael Phelps). Anyone can get cupping and reap the benefits. Although the service is popular among athletes and other highly active individuals, just about anyone can do it. Which is why I had to get it done!
My Cupping Experience
I was on a flight for 10 and a half LONG hours on my return flight from Greece. My lower back was feeling a bit sore due to working on my laptop the duration of the flight. I needed to recuperate ASAP for my upcoming workouts. To kick off the session, we had a salt lamp and soothing background music going. Remember it’s all about relaxation here at DASHA®! I laid on the massage table with my back exposed and the acupuncturist placed the plastic cups (note, there is a glass option as well for stronger suction) on my back, pumping out the air using a special cupping tool. I immediately felt tightness, but the suction was not painful at all! The cupping process can last anywhere from 3-10 minutes, depending on pain tolerance and muscle soreness. While we were waiting to take the cups off, I joked with the acupuncturist,
“We need to get a DASHA® cup and tattoo a sexy logo on your back!!!”
Minutes later, she took the cups off and I instantly felt 1000 times better! Not surprisingly, the cups created deep red circles lining either side of my spine due to the increased blood flow, just like you see in the celeb pictures. I loved how instant the results were. Many people wonder if cupping is painful… and trust me, it’s not! Some feelings you might experience:
- Slight pinch
- Tightness
- Possible itchiness
Book your appointment for a cupping session with one of our independent client providers at DASHA® before summer wraps up! Visit us online for scheduling and more information at ! Go after your “ME time” before the kids return from sleep away camp.
P.S. Teens love this service too because it’s noninvasive.

Total ZEN moment. All about relaxation here at DASHA®