All You Need to Know About Agave

///All You Need to Know About Agave

All You Need to Know About Agave

By | 2018-01-12T17:39:23-05:00 December 23rd, 2013|Healthy Nutrition|

Agave nectar, unlike sugar, contains calcium, iron and other vitamins and minerals. A teaspoon of agave is 20 calories compared to 16 calories per teaspoon of sugar. However, because agave is nearly 1.5 times sweeter, you can use far less to get the same sweetening power, so ultimately you reduce your caloric intake. It is a healthier alternative to refined sugars because its low glycemic index prevents spikes in sugar. Additionally, agave is moist, so using it in your baking allows you to reduce the amount of butter, oil or fats, cutting your caloric intake even further.

Agave nectar comes from the succulent blue agave plant, found in Mexico, central and tropical South America, the Mediterranean, and parts of India. It is a common vegan alternative to honey. Below are some basic measurement guidelines to follow when substituting agave in your recipes:

White Sugar: For every 1 cup sugar called for, substitute 2/3 cup agave minus 1/4 cup liquid

Brown Sugar: For every 1 cup sugar called for, substitute 2/3 cup agave minus 2 tablespoons liquid

Brown Rice Syrup: Use half as much agave + (up to) 1/2 cup liquid

Corn Syrup: Use half as much agave + (up to) 1/3 cup liquid

Maple Syrup: Replace with equal amounts

Honey: Replace with equal amounts

When it comes to cakes and cookies, it is a good idea to substitute only a partial amount in order to arrive at the best tasting product. Below are the recommended substitutions:

Cakes: Replace 1/2 of the sugars with agave

Cookies: Replace 1/3 of the sugars with agave

Brownies: Replace 1/2 of the sugars with agave

Fruit Bars: Replace 2/3 of the sugars with agave (100% if fresh fruit)

Lastly, remember that baking with agave yields great results, but it also browns faster than traditional sugars. Decrease your oven temperature by 25° or tent your pan with foil to prevent browning until ready.

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About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.