Scheduling Wellness Check-ups to Maintain Your Health and Prevent Disease

//Scheduling Wellness Check-ups to Maintain Your Health and Prevent Disease

Scheduling Wellness Check-ups to Maintain Your Health and Prevent Disease

By | 2017-05-31T21:29:11-04:00 September 27th, 2013|Wellness|

These days, I’m busy working, training for a marathon and parenting two young kids with my beautiful wife and business partner, Shannon, so I understand the complaint of never having enough time to do all the things you need and want to do. Often times as grown-ups we have long to do lists that never end and keep on growing, and if something needs to fall to the wayside, it’s usually a sacrifice of something that if we made the time to do it, would be smart and good for our health. And so if there is one thing I make time for in my life and stress the importance of to my patients, it’s an annual wellness check-up.

The theme of September has been prevention, and I am an advocate of preventive medicine. You take care of your body and get everything checked out, even when you feel fine, so that you have a baseline of what is and isn’t normal for your body, and can recognize the warning signs of any problems before they spiral out of control and seriously compromise your health, costing you time and money. As Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts advises, “Getting preventive care is one of the most important steps you can take to manage your health. That’s because when a condition is diagnosed early, it is usually easier to treat. And regular checkups can help you and your doctor identify lifestyle changes you can make to avoid certain conditions.”

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and other medical agencies have a short checklist for what you should keep on top of:

ALL ADULTS: blood pressure, cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes (if your cholesterol is high or you have a family history), glaucoma (over 50), TB test, colon cancer (your doctor can recommend the best plan for you)

WOMEN: Pap test, mammogram, STD test (25 and younger), bone density test (postmenopausal and premenopausal for those with a family history)

MEN: Physical (every 2-3 years under the age of 40, annually after the age of 40), prostate cancer (annually over the age of 50, and over the age of 40 if family history)

CHILDREN: annual check-ups from age 2-18, regular dental visits, annual vision exams, vaccinations (visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the recommended immunization schedule)

I see a lot of patients who come to me seeking help long after a problem began, and often times their road to recovery is longer than if they had come to me sooner. You wouldn’t let your child skip a wellness check-up, why should you? The track of disease and cancer can often be prevented, shortened, and sometimes even stopped as a result of screening, testing and counseling at a wellness check-up. And it always feels great to report that you had a great visit to the doctor where everything checked out okay.

There’s an old expression that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. So does a wellness check-up. The greatest gift you can give yourself and those who love you is to take care of yourself. There is only one you. Take care of your health and schedule your wellness check-up if you haven’t yet for 2013. You still have 3 months to get it in! Next month’s theme is Greatness, so pick up the phone and call your doctor today, before you have a problem. As we say at DASHA®, “Enhance your well-being.”

DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.