SHANANIGAN®️ corner you will find posts from wellness to self-motivation fitness, crazy mantras, general tips on how to balance your lifestyle.

Happiness Happens

Happiness happens when YOU make the choice to be happy! So I decided to start living the life I imagined. During this process, I realized there was MAGIC to be found within myself and that somewhere along the way, I [...]

By | 2020-12-02T21:08:48-05:00 December 2nd, 2020|SHANANIGAN®|

Refocus Your Holiday Season

The holidays are such an amazing time of year - there's so much to celebrate. The downside to all of the magical spirit flurrying in the air is that it can get stressful. So how do you balance it all? [...]

By | 2020-05-27T14:18:08-04:00 December 17th, 2019|Family, Wellness|

Ditch the Sweets!

It's a fact: sugar is addicting. Yet we still continue to consume it in excess amounts? Frequently, sugar is hidden in a bunch of the foods we eat. Go out to that local Italian spot? Sugar is often added [...]

By | 2019-08-10T00:38:31-04:00 August 10th, 2019|Healthy Nutrition, Lifestyle|