Here at DASHA®, we are digging the theme of the month, Pleasure. Say it out loud! See? You can’t even do it without smiling.
We’re so busy rushing around, going about our daily lives, that we rarely take time to stop, breathe and be in the moment. (Instead, we’re too often worried about the next moment.) But you know what? Life can throw you a curve ball sometimes, when you least expect it. We could all stand to enjoy the basic pleasures in life a little more. Here is a list of just some of the top ten things in your daily life you should take a moment to appreciate – really appreciate (go ahead, we dare you):
Your morning shower. Maybe you’re not a morning person or maybe you’re always exhausted and mentally reviewing all of the things you have to do that day, but take some time to feel and appreciate that water from the hot shower gently rolling over your shoulders and on the back of your neck and breathe deeply. There is nothing like a hot shower.
Your morning beverage. What’s your poison? Coffee? Tea? Orange juice? Place both hands around the cup and then take your first sip and swallow. Do all of this without looking at your phone or the computer. Enjoy it so much you do it one more time. There’s nothing like your favorite morning beverage when it fist reaches your tongue and slides down your throat.
Your favorite item you are wearing that day. Are you wearing your favorite earrings? Shoes? A new sexy dress? Your power suit? Appreciate the way the earrings dangle and catch the light or the way the power suit has the perfect neckline to complement your face shape – it doesn’t matter what part of your body you love that that clothing item enhances or makes you feel great in, just enjoy feeling great!
Your really well-crafted email that flew off your fingertips effortlessly. How good does it feel to pound out an email that is so specific and perfect you can give yourself a self-satisfied pat on the back? There’s nothing like getting business done right.
Your first bite of lunch. Lunch is in the middle of the day and for many of you, probably at your desk. Put down the phone, turn away from the screen, take that first bite of your lunch, chew slowly and thoughtfully, swallow. Breathe. (Do this for your entire lunch if you can!) There’s nothing like nourishing your body with something you love to taste and eat.
Your text message you sent to that person you love just because. Whether it’s your wife, your daughter, your best friend, your mother, send that person you love a little text message just because – maybe it’s to express your love or to make them laugh. Enjoy the response when it comes in. There’s nothing like love and laughter!
Your goodbye to work for the day. Maybe work ran late, but whatever happened, take time to appreciate those first steps away from the job for the day and onto the next thing. You’ve accomplished a lot today and now you can enjoy the rest of your evening. There’s nothing like moving out of work mode.
Your workout. It can be hard to put on those gym clothes or make time to work out, but once you do, you never ever regret it. Congratulate yourself for making time to take care of you today. There’s nothing like an awesome workout.
Your first step inside the door back at home. Step out of your work shoes at home and onto the bare floor or into your slippers and breathe deeply. You’re home. Doesn’t it feel awesome? There is nothing like coming home.
Your time to crawl into bed. You’ve earned a good night of sleep and it’s time for the body to rest and restore. Breathe deep, clear your head, everything will be waiting for you tomorrow, and you can face it better with rest. There’s nothing like a great night of sleep.
DASHA® Enterprises, LLC works with independent practices and servicing providers that offer an integrated holistic solution to reach your total body well-being. Our client providers share our philosophy of total body health and work with us to bring you an all-inclusive experience.
DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit