Ditch the Drama this November

//Ditch the Drama this November

Ditch the Drama this November

By | 2017-11-28T17:45:59-05:00 November 4th, 2015|Lifestyle|

Fall is in full swing, and we’re racing toward the holidays like a high-speed train. Chances are you’ve got work deadlines, family responsibilities, social obligations and personal projects you need to fulfill and accomplish before the end of the year. So the last thing you need is drama! Life provides enough drama all on its own, without you creating more of it or spending your precious, quality time with others who create drama. This November 2015, the theme of the month at DASHA® is Ditch the Drama.

Drama belongs on the stage and screen, not in your life. There’s an expression about how neurons in your brain that fire together, wire together. If you find yourself spending a lot of your emotional energy on the drama in your life, you may actually be attracting it.

Say what?!

It’s true. The chemistry in your body may have become addicted to the drama. So it’s time to teach it to seek peace, healthy people and environments. It’s official: ditching the drama is good for your health. In the words of TV talk show host, personality and comedian Ellen DeGeneres, “So many people prefer to live in drama because it’s comfortable. It’s like someone staying in a bad marriage or relationship – it’s actually easier to stay because they know what to expect every day, versus leaving and not knowing what to expect.”

Stay tuned all month long as we explore what it means to say “no” to people and things that are no longer working for you in order to see a new world of possibilities become available to you! Learn how to welcome an unpredictable but healthier future and realize more of the dreams you want to realize in your life.

Ditch the Drama!

DASHA® Enterprises, LLC works with independent practices and servicing providers that offer an integrated holistic solution to reach your total body well-being. Our client providers share our philosophy of total body health and work with us to bring you an all-inclusive experience. 

DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit dashawellness.com.

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.