You know the one I’m talking about. The kind of day where you wish you kept your head under the covers, blinds closed, and put the cell on vibrate.
Unfortunately not everyday is going to be a great day! Somedays you might feel “determined to conquer the world”, and others you are “stuck in turtle mode”. Oh and let’s not forget the days of “Meh”! If you are a woman with an active career, busy family life, and crave ME time, you need a well planned schedule. This should include all phone, and office meetings, kids schedules, personal appts and of course the one thing that keeps you sane, your fitness schedule!
Set Out to “Conquer The World”
The beginning of the week starts off with a fitness class that would have you dripping sweat all over and bringing up your ❤️ rate up and leaving you feeling #inspired to be an even better YOU than the week before!
You know you only have that small window of time before you have to hustle into your office and start your daily routine. So you grab a quick oatmeal or some GG crackers with a spoonful of peanut butter, wash up quick and arrive just in the ‘nick of time’ for a quick morning meeting. Still high on life from your 50 min class because you are an “endorphin junkie!”
Next on the agenda is your training day for the new team member. Then the rest of the day you are married to the phone juggling meetings back to back.
Lastly, if you are super lucky, you assistant might really assist you with (a mini lunch break, tea or expresso and a bathroom break)! Now that might mean you need to let them jet out out 10 min early, to hit after hrs with some friends. LOL
At some point during all the craziness you think to yourself, “this s_ _ _ just doesn’t stop!” Well, here’s a reminder, this is what you signed up for!
Botched, Messed Up
So here’s how my day started. I woke up, got dressed, fed my kids breakfast, and took my baby girl to school. I was making great timing considering I was playing ping pong, going from the Eastside to the Westside and back again to the Eastside.
Until, the driver decided he was going to torture me and hit every street light. In my head I was debating whether I should hop out at the next red light and sprint to my class that I so desperately needed?
Instead I took a few deep breathes and waited patiently for my drop off to happen. Saying to myself, “Namaste” as I’m secretly giving this man the bird. He stopped the car and I literally ran inside to sign myself into class and I was told “Sorry, class was closed…”
I got right back out there hailed a cab this time and for the next 10 minutes “I fantasized about the sweat just dripping down my neck and my ❤️ pumping.” I stopped and questioned myself as to why I was so affected. I finally found something that releases my stress, keeps me focused and makes me feel ALIVE!
Lesson learned
Your best teacher is your mistake. Showing up late to a group class, even a minute late is just rude, but when someone shows up 8 minutes in… really, don’t bother. Add in an extra 15 minutes leeway time in between each appointment you make. On the flip side my muscles took a break, my mind hit RESET and today I will “Conquer The World”!
Remember, “don’t ruin a good today, by thinking about yesterday!” “Let that S_ _ _ Go!”