Stop Making Excuses! Get Moving With Corporate Wellness

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  • Stop Making Excuses!

    Stop Making Excuses! Get Moving With Corporate Wellness

    By | 2020-06-04T21:17:33-04:00 August 16th, 2019|Corporate, Fitness, Initiatives|

    Move with SHA

    Do you ever get the feeling where you just can’t stop fidgeting at your desk? Your legs feel as though they constantly tight and then suddenly you get a sharp headache! Imagine this happening in the middle of your work day? Well, if you you can relate to feeling anything like this then you need to get up, do some stretching and walk around a bit? It’s not so uncommon to feel these things but the key is to listen to your body because it’s trying to tell you something. It’s time to MOVE!

    Did you know that most New Yorkers spend the majority of their 40+hour work week sitting behind a desk, which is not detrimental to your health but can really start to cramp up your legs? Sitting down limits the amount of potential calories a body can burn which in turn, makes it easier for bodies to put on those unwanted pounds. By limiting your body’s daily movement, you’re actually increasing insulin resistance, which is one of the major factors in developing a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

    So what can we do to prevent the physical issues within work? Use your lunch hour wisely! Go for a short walk outside and instead of taking the elevator to your next meeting try walking-the stairs. Give your body a chance to step away from your desk and walk around so you can get the blood flowing. If a walk in the middle of your day isn’t possible, don’t use that as your excuse! Some simple exercises can easily be done right at your desk.

    I Love this 10 minute workout, give it a try!

    ARM CIRCLES – If you spend a majority of your day typing, this simple circular motion is great for improving your circulation. (Added bonus, it can be done right at your desk!)
    WALL PUSH-UPS – This one is great to get a few co-workers to join in on. Find a sturdy wall, place your hand’s shoulder-width apart and get to pushing!
    SQUATS – These can be done anywhere in the office. Make sure your feet are flat, keep your chest up and booty out!

    At DASHA® we strongly believe in introducing wellness into your workplace. So how do we do? Well, that’s easy, through our Corporate Wellness programs. Click here to learn more


    About the Author:

    DASHA® wellness & spa has inspired and guided the New York Community to live a healthier lifestyle. DASHA’s dedicated team of “independent client providers” include health, wellness, and interventional pain specialists work together to develop a custom wellness program tailored to suit your personal lifestyle needs so you can achieve excellence in all that you do.