Those searching for top-quality chiropractic care in Manhattan are confronted with a maze of choices, approaches, locations, and even chiropractic equipment. The fact is, even those who are knowledgeable about chiropractic medicine have trouble sorting through the many chiropractor listings in Manhattan. DASHA® “independent client providers” are the ideal option when choosing a chiropractic facility and doctor.
First and most importantly, make sure the chiropractor you choose can give you a clear, articulate answer to the question, “What is chiropractic medicine?” DASHA® “independent client providers”offer the following overview of chiropractic care when meeting with prospective patients:
All chiropractic approaches are based upon one main theme: structure affects function. Consider the spine, for example: a misaligned spinal structure can lead to pressure on nerves—a problem which then impacts many other parts of the body. When any part of the skeletal system is displaced, the central nervous system cannot function optimally—and a compromised central nervous system causes a whole host of other physical problems. When a chiropractor takes a patient history, he or she is interested in much more than back pain: Symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, asthma and muscle spasms can all suggest a skeletal misalignment. And, once that structural displacement has been identified, chiropractic techniques seek to bring the body’s structures back into alignment.
Secondly, make sure the chiropractor you interview can knowledgeably address the types of ailments for which chiropractic medicine is useful. It’s not enough to vaguely talk about healing back pain. A good chiropractor addresses the specific disorders for which chiropractic medicine has been found to offer drug-free relief or cures. Chiropractic therapy has remarkable success rates in treating conditions such as disc displacement/herniation, cervical/lumbar spondylitis, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, sciatica, frozen shoulder, general back pain, and knee/ankle/hip joint problems. Less traditional uses of chiropractic medicine include treatment for addictions and for post-surgical rehabilitation.
Finally, DASHA® “independent client providers” recommend that patients seeking high-quality chiropractic care should look for a provider who can clearly explain the various treatment methods and techniques. DASHA® “independent client providers”use various approaches to traditional kinds of manual adjustment and massage—as well as newer approaches that employ technologically sophisticated equipment. The strategies and devices that are recommended for an individual treatment protocol depend on a thorough understanding of that patient’s symptoms and history. And a keen attention to the individual is where every chiropractor should begin.