My Top 10 Personal Goals

//My Top 10 Personal Goals
  • Goals

My Top 10 Personal Goals

By | 2017-11-28T17:46:09-05:00 May 8th, 2015|Lifestyle|

Now that I’m about to turn 40, I’ve decided it’s time to tell the universe what my top 10 personal goals are, since voicing them out loud and sharing them are the first step toward being held accountable for them!  And if I post them here, well then, I really have to start checking these things off!  Here goes, in no particular order:

1.     WRITE A BOOK.  I’d like to write a memoir about my life experiences and what led Darren and I to create DASHA®.

2.     TRAVEL TO GREECE, SOUTH AFRICA, COSTA RICA & ARIZONA.  I’ve seen all of those sunset in Santorini pictures and leopards, cheetahs and lions on safari pictures, and I’m so inspired by the way Costa Rica is making the most out of natural energy resources–I want to travel to these countries and experience all of these things firsthand!  Arizona has some of the best nature and spa retreat experiences to offer in the world–I want to go on one, and take the best of my experiences and incorporate them at DASHA®.

3.     NYC MARATHON.  I can’t include a top 10 list without a fitness goal!  Darren has run so many marathons; it’s one of his greatest passions outside of work.  I’d like to run my own 26.2 miles in my favorite city in the world, too.  I already have my number one cheerleader (Dr. Pollack) encouraging me!

4.     START A FOUNDATION FOR SEAN.  To me, giving back is an important part of life.  I lost my brother when I was just a teenager.  I’d like to honor his legacy and create my own foundation or charity as a means of giving back to my community and world.

5.     COMPLETE MY MASTERS DEGREE.  I am always telling my children that they can do anything they want, so long as they have their education.  I’d like to get my masters degree, possibly in business, and then become a mentor to other young entrepreneurs.

6.     GET A BIG DOG & TRAIN IT.  We love our little dog VINCE (yes, his name is spelled with all caps), but I’ve always wanted to get a big dog, train it and able to walk on the beach with it in the Hamptons and watch it run around our backyard.

7.     OWN MORE REAL ESTATE.  New York City, Los Angeles, the Caribbean and Florida are high on my dream list!  (Can you tell that I love the sun?)

8.     BECOME PART OF A LUXURY HOTEL GROUP.  I believe that in modern life we spend so much time taking care of others – our jobs, our families – that we don’t make enough time to be good to ourselves.  I’d love for DASHA® to become part of a luxury hotel group that will encourage people to take time out for their health and wellness by relaxing and rejuvenating with DASHA®.

9.     RENOVATE MY HOUSE.  I have the vision; like you, I need the time to make it happen!  I know if I just put my mind to it, I will enjoy the results for years to come!

10.  GROW, D-STRESS & INSPIRE.  Just because I’m all grown up now doesn’t mean I’m ready to stop learning and growing.  If anything, the list of what I want to learn has gotten longer!  I also want to keep working on living stress-free and inspiring people to become healthier versions of themselves with DASHA®.

What are your top 10 goals?  Tweet me @ShaPollack with the hashtag #fabat40.

DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.