Rewarding Your Team with the Unexpected

///Rewarding Your Team with the Unexpected

Rewarding Your Team with the Unexpected

By | 2017-05-31T21:29:00-04:00 July 7th, 2014|Corporate|

Nothing is better for your business than strong company morale and a team made up of members who feel their contributions are valued by you, the employer.  I’m always talking about how a little bit goes a long way; a Starbucks gift card just because, a $100 American Express gift card for the best costume at Halloween, an intimate summer company picnic, and, of course, a year end cash bonus at the holiday party that says “thank you” and feels great.  None of these things come with an extravagant price tag, and they keep your work environment both fun and productive.

As your business grows or you roll out new procedures, racing against the clock to meet internal or client deadlines, you may find yourself asking a lot of your team, whether it be to do twice as much in much less time or to stay late.  There is no better way to reward a job well done than to say, “Take a day off on the company.”  Who doesn’t love a 4-day work week?  Especially when that day off comes along so unexpectedly, out of the blue.

Put the necessary parameters you need to on that day off – whether it has to be on a certain day or has to be used within a particular time frame before it expires.  You likely already dole out some type of monetary bonus at the end of the year, so make this reward different and unique.  Your team member will be singing the praises of you and your business, thankful for that unexpected and glorious day off, happy to return to work knowing how much you value their contribution.

Contact Shannon at to book your custom-tailored health event at your company today.  DASHA® is a wellness lifestyle brand and Manhattan-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness.  DASHA®’s corporate health initiative is to educate, motivate, reward and inspire employees to instill better health habits and make education decisions.  DASHA® understands that if your employees are able to stand tall, feel healthy and confident, they will be better people and can contribute more productively to their work environment.  DASHA®’s motto is to “enhance your well-being.”

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.