Tips to Get Ready for Biking Season

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Tips to Get Ready for Biking Season

By | 2017-11-28T17:46:10-05:00 April 29th, 2015|DASHA® Community, Lifestyle, Wellness|

Spring is here and summer isn’t far behind, which means there are no more snow banks or ice patches to worry about, and it is finally perfect bike riding weather again.  Biking is low impact on the knees and can be done at any age, as a solo or family activity.  Over the past 8 years, all boroughs of New York City have become more bike-friendly, making biking a great way to appreciate the city from a new two-wheel perspective. When the warmer weather comes, I tend to see more patients come into DASHA® seeking treatment for bike-related injuries.  Whether you’re a novice or experience biker, here are tips to make sure you are ready to go:

WEAR A HELMET.  It’s not always you that you have to worry about, but the other people–drivers, pedestrians and other cyclists—whose actions you can’t predict.  You only get one brain and one skull to house that brain.  Be sure to protect them both with a helmet at all times.

GET A TUNE-UP.  If you’re bringing your bike out of storage after the long, cold winter, get a basic tune-up at your local cycling shop to make sure your brakes, chains and tires are in good shape.

SAFETY BEFORE SPEED.  I understand the commitment to making the most of your workout, but in an urban environment, I recommend sacrificing speed before safety.  Be sure to stay at least four feet away from parked cars, and keep your eyes scanning ahead of you for swinging car doors.

CONSIDER CITIBIKE.  Want to try biking, but not sure how you’ll feel about doing it in the city?  Consider signing up for Citibike and get into the habit of commuting to and from work by biking while the weather is in your favor all summer long.  Be sure to wear sunscreen and have a water bottle on you at all times.

HANDS, BELLS & LIGHTS ARE YOUR FRIENDS.  Hand signals help cue your intentions to others.  Bells should be used to warn someone who might not see you coming.  And LED lights or vests should be used when cycling at night.

Check out DASHA®’s “Best Biking & Hiking in NYC” by clicking HERE.

DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.